The Sandy Bridge based Xeon E5-2600 processors were launched by Intel yesterday, and Supermicro wasn't far behind in launching a host of solutions supporting / based on these processors. The new generation X9 Xeon E5 family based platforms offer a number of improved features over previous offerings from Supermicro, including but not limited to:

  1. Support for up to 768 GB of DDR3-1600 MHz memory in 24 DIMM slots
  2. SATA 3.0 and SAS 2.0 (6 Gbps) support
  3. ConnectX FDR/QDR InfiniBand ports
  4. Dual 10 GbE Ethernet / Quad Ethernet LAN
  5. PCIe 3.0
  6. LSI 2008 (Software RAID) and LSI 2108 (Hardware RAID) controllers

More than 100 product platforms have been updated / newly created by Supermicro for the new Xeon E5 processor family.

Supermicro's X9 solutions can be broadly divided into the following categories:

  1. Supermicro Servers
  2. Supermicro Serverboards
  3. Supermicro SuperBlade

The servers are built around the boards in the second category, and just build upon the existing chassis / PSU combinations. The SuperBlade configurations and some of the serverboards in the X9 generation have only been announced on paper.


The table below summarizes the specifications of Supermicro's single socket LGA2011 serverboards which are currently available.

Supermicro X9 Single Socket LGA2011 Serverboards
Model Number Form Factor DRAM Chipset PCI-E Configuration LAN Storage USB Misc. Notes
X9SRA ATX 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 2 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x4 PCI-E 3.0 (in x8), 1 x4 PCI-E 2.0 (in x8), 1 PCI 32-bit Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA (RAID 0,1,5,10) 14x v2.0 (8 rear + 6 headers), 4x v3.0 (2 rear + 2 headers)  
X9SRi / X9SRi-F ATX 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 1 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 (in x16), 1 x4 PCI-E 2.0 (in x16) Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA (RAID 0,1,5,10) 9x v2.0 (2 rear + 6 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN ("F")
X9SRE / S9SRE-F ATX 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 1 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 (in x16), 1 x4 PCI-E 2.0 (in x16), 3 PCI-X 64-bit Intel i350 Dual GbE ("F") 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA (RAID 0,1,5,10) 9x v2.0 (2 rear + 6 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9SRG-F Custom (7.71" x 16.64") 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 2 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2 (RAID 0,1,5,10), 4x SAS2 (RAID 0,1,10) 6x v2.0 (2 rear + 4 headers)  
X9SRW-F / X9SRW-3F Custom (8.15" x 13.05") 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 ("F"), Intel C606 ("3F") 2 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2 (RAID 0,1,5,10), 4x SATA 8x v2.0 (2 rear + 6 headers) 4x SATA extra ("3F")

The table below summarizes the specifications of Supermicro's dual socket LGA2011 serverboards which are currently available.

Supermicro X9 Dual Socket LGA2011 Serverboards
Model Number Form Factor DRAM Chipset PCI-E Configuration LAN Storage USB Misc. Notes
X9DAi E-ATX 16 DIMMs (512 GB) Intel C602 3 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 2 x8 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x4 PCI-E 3.0 (in x8) Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 8x SATA2 7x v2.0, 4x v3.0 2x 1394a headers + Realtek ALC889 7.1 HD 8 Channel Audio w/ SPDIF header
X9DR3-F / X9DRi-F E-ATX 16 DIMMs (512 GB) Intel C602 ("i"), Intel C606 ("3-F") 3 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 3 x8 PCI-E 3.0 Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA2 extra ("i"), 8x SAS (RAID 0,1,10) ("3-F") 11x v2.0 (4 rear + 6 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DR3- LN4F+ / X9DRi- LN4F+ EE-ATX (13.68" x 13") 24 DIMMs (768 GB) Intel C602 ("i"), Intel C606 ("3") 4 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x4 PCI-E (in x8) Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA2 extra ("i"), 8x SAS (RAID 0,1,10) ("3") 9x v2.0 (4 rear + 4 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DRL-3F / X9DRL- iF ATX 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 ("i"), Intel C606 ("3") 2 x8 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 (in x16), 1 x4 PCI-E 2.0 (in x8), 1 x1 PCI-E 2.0, 1 PCI Intel 82574L GbE LAN with Dual GbE Ports 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA2 extra ("i"), 8x SAS (RAID 0,1,10) ("3") 9x v2.0 (4 rear + 4 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DRT-H F / IBQF / IBFF Custom (6.8" x 16.64") 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 1 x24 PCI-E 3.0 and special x8 connector for SMC add-on Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 5x SATA2 4x v2.0 (2 rear + 2 header) Infiniband QDR (40 Gbps / "QF" - Infiniband FDR (56 Gbps / "FF") - IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DRW-3F / X9DRW-iF E-ATX 16 DIMMs (512 GB) Intel C602 ("i"), Intel C606 ("3") 1 x32 PCI-E 3.0 Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2, 4x SATA2 extra ("i"), 8x SAS (RAID 0,1,10) ("3") 8x v2.0 (4 rear + 4 header) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DRG- HF / X9DRG- HTF Custom (7.71" x 16.64") 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 4 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 1 x8 PCI-E 3.0 (in x16), 1 x4 PCI-E 2.0 (in x16) Intel i350 Dual GbE ("HF") - Intel X540 Dual 10Gb Base-T LAN ("HTF") 2x SATA3, 8x SATA2 6x v2.0 (2 rear + 4 header) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN
X9DRD-iF E-ATX 8 DIMMs (256 GB) Intel C602 1 x16 PCI-E 3.0, 4 x8 PCI-E 3.0 Intel i350 Dual GbE 2x SATA3, 4x SATA2 7x v2.0 (4 rear + 2 headers + 1 Type-A) IPMI 2.0 and KVM with Dedicated LAN

If you want to take a look at the systems based on these boards / upcoming boards, head on over to Supermicro's X9 page. It must also be noted that Supermicro supplies a number of integrated solutions for workstations, storage and data centers, and all of these have been updated with support for the new Xeon E5 processor family.

Source: PR Newswire

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  • meloz - Thursday, March 8, 2012 - link

    I would like a detailed review of this class of hardware, particularly 2U Superserver. A detailed llok at BIOS options and hardware, and what it can do. Perhaps you guys can contact Supermicro and ask them to lend the hardware.
  • aarsh267 - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    Great article. I needed such an article where i can compare xeon e5 for different specs. Really helpful.
  • gisudilak - Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - link

    i cant order anything from newegg. because they like to take two weeks before they get ahold of me and by that time. im super pissed and i cancel the order. go to wal mart use my credit card there. wal mart takes it that day no problem and i get my stuff that day. just not a super computer like i wanted and ordered twice. and both times they did that crap to me. just wondering what you have to do for them to stop being a holes? to have them send out your stuff that you order. any help would be appreiciated thanks.
  • wifi24 - Sunday, February 23, 2020 - link

    Nice awesome post for Servers. Many information is article are amazing. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.
  • jusisojoh - Saturday, July 13, 2019 - link

    I cannot structure anything from newegg. since they like to take two weeks before they get tightly to me and at that point. im overly pissed and I drop the request. go to wal shop utilize my charge card there. wal store takes it that day no issue and I get my stuff that day. just not a super PC like I needed and requested twice. furthermore, the multiple times they did that poo to me. simply pondering what you need to accomplish for them to quit being an openings? to have them convey your stuff that you request. any assistance would be appreiciated much appreciated.
  • priyankush2 - Sunday, July 14, 2019 - link

    Thanks for this. I will definitely do a review of the class of hardware like server.
  • helloyar - Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - link

  • aarsh267 - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    Nice article.
  • Devenderkg - Friday, July 26, 2019 - link

    i cant order anything from newegg. because they like to take two weeks before they get ahold of me and by that time. im super pissed and i cancel the order. go to wal mart use my credit card there. wal mart takes it that day no problem and i get my stuff that day. just not a super computer like i wanted and ordered twice. and both times they did that crap to me. just wondering what you have to do for them to stop being a holes? to have them send out your stuff that you order. any help would be appreiciated thanks.
  • pro guru - Sunday, August 4, 2019 - link

    Nice article. The features available in this processor are really cool. This processor was launched in the year back in 2012. Please share more information about new age processors and the latest technology. Can you help me out where to find the latest technology processor online? I have been working on a blog -

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