Windows 2000 Performance

Fortunately, the P3V4X is once again neck and neck with the competition under Windows 2000. However, we do see a drastic performance drop when going from Windows 98SE to Windows 2000 under either motherboard. In fact, it's about the same performance drop we saw on the ASUS when going to the 4.00 AGP GART driver on the P3V4X under Windows 98SE. Coincidence? We're not sure. It could simply be the effects of immature Windows 2000 drivers, a problem with the VIA AGP GART included with Windows 2000, or just Windows 2000 in general.

More investigation is necessary to determine the cause of these observations, but that is not the focus of the current article. The key here is that the P3V4X performs just like any other VIA Apollo Pro 133A solution. Rest assured that AnandTech will be looking into the effect of Windows 2000 on performance in the near future.

Windows 98SE Performance Final Words
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