3dfx's beta OpenGL ICD continuously crashed during the crusher.dm2 demo at 1600 x 1200, therefore explaining the absence of any scores using the OpenGL ICD from the below chart.  The TNT2 Ultra takes the gold here with an extremely high score of 27.8 fps.  The crusher.dm2 benchmark is generally representative of the worst case scenario as far as performance is concerned, meaning that the frame rate generally won't drop too far below a card's crusher.dm2 score.  With the TNT2 achieving a crusher.dm2 score of close to 28 fps, and a demo1.dm2 score of 29 fps, you'll probably get very playable performance with the TNT2 at 1600 x 1200, so long as you don't mind 30 fps performance levels. 

3dfx's lack of support for AGP texturing chokes them in this test, as the Voodoo3 3000 is plagued by texture swapping during the texture intensive crusher.dm2 test.

At 1152 x 864 3dfx does manage to pull ahead, however switching from the MiniGL to the OpenGL ICD puts the Voodoo3 3000 behind the Matrox Millennium G400MAX which attempts to remain somewhat competitive.


Low-Rest K6-3 450 demo1.dm2 Low-Res K6-2 475 crusher.dm2
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