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The second part of our Weekly Price Guide is here. This week we are tracking best deals on memory and some of the more popular motherboards. Our new and improved pricelist will guide you through all of the new prices, and hopefully you will be able to understand this market a little better.

The basic goal is to provide you with the best deals, and show you the progress of listed products. We have selected a leading team of on-line vendors, and will be tracking their progress on weekly basis. Please note that all vendors were selected according to their best price offered. Some vendors may ask that you place a phone order to make sure that you receive our listed price; others simply ask that you mention a list where you found the price - in this case AnandTech. We have tried to eliminate vendors with low feedback rating, but we do encourage you to do some sort of rating research before purchasing any product from this list.

If you encounter any problems with a vendor on our list, please e-mail us, and we will take appropriate action. Remember that we will only list vendors with positive customer feedback. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know.

Also be sure to check out AnandTech's Hot Deals Forum for even more great CPU, video card and other technology buys.


AnandTech does not endorse any vendor listed in the following price guide. AnandTech does not receive any advertising fees and/or sponsorship contracts from the vendors listed below. All views expressed by listed vendors do not reflect the opinions of AnandTech.

AnandTech, nor any of the vendors mentioned guarantee that the prices listed in this guide.

This week

This week we are tracking DDR SDRAM in both its flavors: PC2100 (266MHz) and PC1600 (200MHz). Crucial, a division of Micron, is our only provider at this time for DDR SDRAM. Although you can buy the memory, motherboards with appropriate support for DDR SDRAM are still not available. Hopefully we'll see them before the end of the year.

PC133 and PC100 SDRAM prices have dropped significantly, and surprisingly Rambus' RDRAM is available for a relatively small premium over PC133 RAM. High-end Socket-A and Socket-370 motherboards are dropping rapidly in price as well, making them available to most users. We have also listed a few low-end models if you wish to upgrade and don't need all the advanced features that can add extra cost.


AnandTech Weekly Memory Prices
Memory Type - Size Price Change Vendor Shipping Promotion
PC2100 DDR - 256MB NA $0 NA
PC2100 DDR - 128MB $111 $3 Crucial $5.50 Limited Quantity
PC2100 DDR - 64MB $61 $3 Crucial $5.50 Limited Quantity
PC1600 DDR - 256MB NA $0 NA
PC1600 DDR - 128MB $100 $2 Crucial $5.50 Limited Quantity
PC1600 DDR - 64MB $53 $3 Crucial $5.50 Limited Quantity
PC800 RDRAM - 256MB $479 $10 Teamexcess $9.50
PC800 RDRAM - 128MB $199 $13 ACmicro $10.00
PC800 RDRAM - 64MB $163 $11 MicroXpress $8.00
VC133 - 128MB $106 $4 MWave $8.00 Priority Shipping
VC133 - 64MB $53 $3 MWave $8.00 Priority Shipping
PC150 CAS2 - 128MB $90 $19 MWave $8.00 Priority Shipping
PC133 CAS3 - 512MB $389 $19 StarComponents $11.00
PC133 CAS3 - 256MB $90 $21 Jcshopper $11.00
PC133 CAS3 - 128MB $45 $10 UpgradePlanet $9.70
PC133 CAS3 - 64MB $25 $8 Jcshopper $11.00
PC133 CAS2 - 256MB $212 $17 Crucial $5.50
PC133 CAS2 - 128MB $105 $17 Crucial $5.50
PC133 CAS2 - 64MB $58 $14 Crucial $5.50
PC100 ECC 128MB $76 $10 StarComponents $11.00
PC100 ECC 64MB $39 $5 CoreComputers $8.50
PC100 512MB $353 $10 MemoryToGo $6.00
PC100 256MB $85 $21 Jcshopper $11.00
PC100 128MB $44 $15 Jcshopper $10.75
PC100 64MB $24 $12 Jcshopper $10.75

Memory has dropped significantly over the past few weeks. Memory upgrade season is in full bloom, and we doubt that you will see more price drops like this anytime soon.

With some of the first DDR motherboards on the way, many might want to track the progress of PC2100 and PC1600 memory. It is still a bit pricey compared to PC133 memory, but the performance gain is well worth the extra cost.

High performance CAS2 PC150 RAM is a great buy for any overclocker seeking performance and stability for just under $100 (128MB). Most users will prefer 128MB of CAS3 PC133 RAM, which is priced at under $50 this week.

Note that the majority of these prices are for generic memory and we can't promise anything about its quality. Also, the listing of PC150 is given "tongue in cheek" since there are no official PC150 specifications out there.

Related Reviews

Make sure you check out our latest Memory and Chipset reviews for more information.

Memory Reviews Publication Date
PC133 SDRAM Roundup - April 2000 April 3rd, 2000


Chipset Reviews Publication Date
DDR SDRAM on the AMD Athlon September 14th, 2000
AMD's 760 Chipset: DDR for the Athlon is here October 30th, 2000

FC-PGA Socket-370 Motherboards

AnandTech Weekly Motherboard Prices - Intel Socket-370
Motherboard Model Price Change Vendor Shipping Promotion
ASUS CUSL2 $128 $9 EssenCom $12.50
ABIT SE6 $124 $3 Neutron $13.70
Microstar 815E Pro $109 $0 MWave $9.50 Check for Rebate
AOpen AX3S Pro $144 $8 Axion $7.50
Chaintech 6AJ $89 $4 PCBoost $16.00

Motherboard prices are gently dropping as well. The i815EP chipset is on the way soon as well that essentially drops the integrated video component of the i815E, helping to reduce costs a bit further.

ASUS CUSL2 and ABIT SE6 are our top picks, while the Microstar 815E Pro is also an excellent board that comes in at a very reasonable price. The Chaintech 6AJ is our low-end recommendation for a bare bones i815 board.

Related Reviews

Make sure you check out our latest Socket-370 Motherboard reviews for more information.

Socket-370 Motherboard Reviews Publication Date
ASUS CUSL2 Socket-370 i815E ATX
July 9th, 2000
ABIT SE6 Socket-370 i815E ATX
October 25th, 2000
Intel 815 Chipset
June 27th, 2000
Intel i815 / i815E Motherboard Roundup - August 2000
August 3rd, 2000

Socket-A Motherboards

AnandTech Weekly Motherboard Prices - AMD Socket-A
Motherboard Model Price Change Vendor Shipping Promotion
ASUS A7V $130 $4 PCBoost $15.85
ABIT KT7-RAID $143 $0 Neutron $13.85
Microstar K7T Pro $99 $4 MWave $9.50 Check for Rebate
Chaintech CT-7AIA $95 $1 Openlinx $5.00
Gigabyte GA-7ZX $98 $0 Compuplus $13.00

AMD-based motherboards are a more sensitive matter. Current Socket-A SDRAM motherboards haven't even lived up their life expectancy yet, and already newer DDR SDRAM based motherboards are on the way. At this point you can do two things; either upgrade to newer DDR-based motherboards as soon as they become available, or wait until the prices drops even further for current SDR-based motherboards.

The ASUS A7V and the ABIT KT7-RAID are out high-end choices, while the Microstar K7T Pro, the Chaintech CT-7AIA, and the Gigabyte GA-7ZX all provide sufficient performance for the price, but less in the way of features, especially when it comes to overclocking options.

Related Reviews

Make sure you check out our latest Socket-A Motherboard reviews for more information.

Socket-A Motherboard Reviews Publication Date
ASUS A7V Socket-A KT133 ATX
August 22nd, 2000
August 12th, 2000
Microstar K7T Pro Socket-A KT133 ATX
July 23rd, 2000
Gigabyte GA-7ZX Socket-A KT133 ATX
July 15th, 2000
Socket-A VIA KT133 Motherboard Roundup - August 2000 August 9th, 2000
VIA Apollo KX133 Athlon Chipset - Guide
February 7th, 2000

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