FSB Overclocking Results

The following is our 800MHz FSB setup we used for FSB overclocking on the PRO875:

Front Side Bus Overclocking Testbed

Pentium 4 2.4GHz (800MHz FSB) CPU - HT Disabled
CPU Vcore:
1.525V (default)
Intel Retail HSF & Thermal Pad
Power Supply:
Enermax 350W

As we first noted in our ABIT IC7-G review, we are now running all FSB overclocking tests using a retail 2.4C processor for our Pentium 4 motherboard reviews.

It’s fairly obvious that our 2.4C processor (and from reports we’ve seen on the web, most 2.4C processors) is capable of at least 270MHz FSB on 865PE and 875P motherboards. Clearly this was the case with the ABIT IC7-G, which was able to reliably operate at 270MHz FSB (as you’ll see in our 865PE/875P roundup, even higher with later BIOS revisions). The Albatron PX865PE Pro II among many other boards we’re in the final stages of testing is yet another good example of the 865PE and 875P's FSB overclocking potential.

The DFI PRO875 turned out no different. In fact, we were a somewhat taken aback by the PRO875’s excellent FSB overclocking results. So far the DFI PRO875 is the highest overclocking Pentium 4 motherboard we’ve come across, coming in at just over 282MHz FSB (or about 1130MHz FSB). We won’t know who the true FSB overclocking king is until we finish all our 865PE/875P motherboard testing for the roundup due this week, but 282MHz FSB is most definitely impressive nonetheless. To put this overclock into perspective, a 282MHz FSB is just shy of a one full GHz overclock (from 2.4GHz to nearly 3.4GHz).


The only downside about FSB overclocking with the PRO875 is that recovering from too high a FSB value isn’t all that good. Clearing the CMOS via jumper doesn’t do the trick; you must uninstall and reinstall battery as well. But there were no issues at 282MHz FSB while stress testing within Windows, and all cold and warm boots worked just as they should (no non-POST issues like we had using aggressive timings with Corsair TwinX modules).  

DFI PRO875: BIOS and Overclocking DFI PRO875: Stress Testing
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